Monday, 1 September 2014

Oh, To See Meat Again!

Soil Wetta
In the movie, Soylent Green, the earth is filled with cityscapes, and there are no more parks and there is no more nature. It is a complete and total dystopia. A man decides to investigate where people are sent when they die and he finds out that they are being turned into Soylent Green, a cracker which is supposed to be made of soy products. In the movie, a man has a small fridge in which he has stored some black market food, something other than the Soylent crackers which are distributed to the masses. In the small fridge there is a very wilted stalk of celery, and a pretty diseased looking piece of meat hanging from a hook.

The meat is the especially valuable piece. It is worth a LOT of money.

It is the only piece of meat known about. Even if it is partially diseased.

You can see how we as humans highly value that which is rare and which hard to pin down, find, obtain, get near, possess, or even look at. That is why exclusive boutique stores only have shops in Stockholm, Paris, London, or New York, rather than becoming mass distributed stores throughout the world. By making themselves difficult to reach, by pinpointing their location to just a few places, they have made themselves very valuable and worth a lot of money.

In the eco friendly marketplace, businesses are all about getting high quality alternative energy out to the masses. However, those in power, those who have a great deal of money, the influential ones, are already using alternative energy in their private jets, cars, and other forms of transportation. These are the ones who will set the newest, longest lasting trend among men and women of planet earth.

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