Saturday, 19 July 2014

Bringing Your Pets In On The Plan

Eco Friendly
When people think of ways to “use” their pets, they often feel guilty, because they are unsure of what constitutes heavy labor and what constitutes appropriate actions of handling an animal. How can you safely and effectively bring your pets in on your green strategy?

First, be sure that your pets are strong and healthy. They should have plenty of running around space and well developed muscles.

Secondly, take some measures to protect your garden space from digging, chewing, and anything else that pets tend to bring to the picture. Your animals must be allowed to be themselves and you cannot always be there to supervise them. There is a clear picture of what to do and not to do based upon their behavior if you have had them for any length of time.

Thirdly, let grazing animals do your lawn mowing for you. Let carnivores keep away pests, such as rabbits and squirrels. Let chickens and other poultry fertilize the ground with their droppings and pull up grubs for good. If you have dogs which dig, then put them on a horizontal trolley line to guard one side of your property. If you have outdoor cats, then make sure that your plants won’t be squashed if Puss decides to lay down in the grass.

After you’ve taken care of all of these things, then be sure to look at exactly what you do on your property and if you can get your animals to participate more in the labor or natural growth of your gardens, crops, or cultivated forest environments.

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