Monday, 28 July 2014

Mining Safety Protocols and Eco Solutions

Dishwasher Powder
Mines have a lot of dirt, grit, toxic fumes, and dangerous conditions. They are already very unsafe for both people and animals. That is why mining is a high hazard industry. However, if you use green friendly practices in your mine, you can help to make the whole place more people friendly and more successfully and safely run. It’s all about working smarter, not harder, and working less for more money. And we all know that mines don’t work for free.

Mining safety protocols include gauges to make sure that toxicity doesn’t reach a certain level and to make sure that everyone is following a set of established rules so that everyone is safe. What if using Envirosafe Solutions was part of your safety protocols? What if your mine had a side goal of not harming the planet and by cutting down on the pollutants you use on a regular basis, like toxic chemical cleaning solutions?

Envirosafe Solutions would come in really handy right about now. We know that you have a hard operation to run, and that the whole ordeal is gritty and slimy and rough and almost beautiful in its combination of humanity and inhumanity. We know why you enjoy the business, the muscles, the sweat, and the success. We want to help you run a clean, efficient operation.

We here at Envirosafe Solutions provide business-to-business chemical solutions which are eco friendly. Let’s see if any of these ring true to your ear. You probably need rust remover on a pretty regular basis. What about rust converter, too? You’ll need some antibacterial hand wash, and some mineral deposit remover, probably a lot of that. You’ll need some electrical insulator cleaner, so that your wires don’t have corrosive chemicals coating them. You might have some need for mould rid. And we could all use multi purpose lubricant in our day to day machinery operations. Is any of this sounding useful yet? We know that you want to run a good mine and an efficient operation. Well, Envirosafe Solutions is here to help. We can help make your operation more eco friendly, and that is something that Australian mining needs right now. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Friday, 25 July 2014

Capturing Rain and Runoff

Hard Water - Laundry Liquid
Capturing rain and runoff is one of the primary uses of Mother Nature. She is good at growing roots, ground cover, and attracting fertilizing animals in order to get rain water well soaked up and used by the ground underneath her. Mother Nature is a very ingenious soul.

However, humans are not quite so wise and far seeing. We don’t always understand how rain water moves through the ground or what happens when the sun is shining brightly overhead. We may not even be aware of where our rain runoff goes when it pours out of the gutters of our homes or businesses. Clearly, there is a need for a little education here.

For many years, rain runoff has been used for garden, water gardens, pools, lakes and rivers. Capturing this rain is simply a matter of making an indentation in the ground and setting some stones over it so that the soil is not washed away by wind or water. This system is might effective and many people try to change it by doing the opposite and putting stone on hills, and letting the valleys be washed away. Unfortunately, this is a really good way to increase erosion and even produce some sort of soil avalanche. It’s not a good idea to do this technique backward.

However, by reading books like Creating Rain Gardens, we can educate ourselves on our particular soil structure, ground sloping, and climate, and create gardens and landscapes which properly capture rain and runoff, and do something productive with it. Therefore, it is a really good idea to read these books and to look at how chemicals you are using on your business or company landscape can be made better.

For instance, you will want to use eco friendly industrial liquid from Envirosafe Solutions, rather than the solutions you are already using. You may want to invest some money in our marine glass cleaner, dishwasher rinse aid, our toilet bowl cleaner, and our mould rid, all of which are environmental cleaning products. How much better can this get? At Envirosafe Solutions, we want to help you make the most of your water supply, no matter where it comes from, and that involves using eco friendly chemical solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Local Knowledge, International Green Investing

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
When you have a thorough knowledge of local conditions and processes, then you are able to make informed decisions about the buying and selling of local commodities. If you are an international commodities investor, then you are probably fully aware of the fact that many people believe in moving large amounts of money around without actually checking, in depth, the state of the local economy.

When you know something about the market in which you are working, you can tell when things are not quite as they should be, and your gut instinct will always lead you right when it comes to building bridges which won’t fall and putting down companies which you know are going down anyway. The result of intense and highly developed local knowledge is that you can really make a difference in the lives of the local people who depend upon that economy. You can invest in such a way that in improves both your life and the lives of those around you.

When we set up selling our environmentally friendly liquids, we knew that they must be adaptable to all types of environments and that many different kinds of businesses would be investing in our chemical solutions. Our marine glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, fabric conditioner, rust remover, and radiator coolant are just a few examples of what we have created for ourselves in our business. We firmly believe in our ability to make anything happen through environmental cleaning products like ours. When your business invests in green processes, products, and services, remember that our company can actually be functional in whatever you do for a living, and we can service clients all over Australia. We know our business well, and we believe firmly in the power of eco friendly sanitiser and soil wetta. We know that our local knowledge of chemical solutions, combined with your interest in investing in green products, will make us a both a team which can really make a difference in this world.

To find out more about what your business can do for the world or to place a purchase order with us, be sure and check us out online or give us a call: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Let Dead Things Lie

Solvent-Free Degreaser
We often do not get to see an example of someone rejoicing over something dead, but many gardeners see the beauty and purpose behind dead things. Dead trees, rotting wood, compost, and mulch all have very real, very valuable and specific purposes. Dead trees provide homes for animals and insects which, in turn, fertilize and help spread the pollen of all of your plants. Rotting wood is used by both insects and soil to as compost and food. Compost is highly nutritious earth in which plants can grow easily and get all of the nutrition they need. Mulch is highly variable and very valuable in many different settings, used as ground cover in winter, and is also used for ground cover before plants come up.

As you can see, dead things have very real and very effective uses, which means that people should not be so eager to get rid of all of their dead things right away. Often, having a little variety in your landscape brings it character and, underneath what the eye can easily discern, also makes the land much hardier. This does not necessarily mean that you should neglect everything, all of the time, but it does mean that a large amount of neglect and working WITH nature, rather than against it, can make your business, gardens, and landscapes far more attractive, realistic looking rather than unnaturally tailored, and far more pleasing to the eye.

Let dead things lie. Unless they are attracting problem animals, make sure that all of your dead growth is being put to good use.

In the living world, we can at least make sure that the footprint we leave behind is green with healthy grass and good breathability. Eco friendly liquid products, chemical solutions, are distributed by Envirosafe Solutions, a company which has built itself a reputation for only selling the highest quality and least damaging environmental cleaning products. We provide rust converter, glue remover, insect and tar remover, as well as marine glass cleaner and electrical insulator cleaner. We know that you are working in the land of the living, and that you must preserve and care of your business, an entity which is very much alive: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Happiness is a Symptom, Not a Cause

environmentally friendly liquids
Happiness takes away some of the edge caused by living this life and existing in this world. It does a lot for us and when we are in a happy mood, there is very little that can get us down. However, happiness is NOT a cause. It is actually a symptom of a choice.

What, are you saying that we can just CHOOSE to be happy? Well, yes. You can just choose to be happy. However, this may not be possible to retain for very long unless you have something to be happy about over the course of developing this habit. The solution lies in recognize what is and what is not within your control. There are just too many situations where happiness does not bring what we thought we wanted, but it brought an ability to handle what is around us in an effective and productive manner. Happiness is part of being human, and so is the choice to be happy.

Yes, there are stressful circumstances, difficult problems, and horrible people with which we must all deal with on a regular daily basis. However, if you can find something about which to be happy, no matter what it is, and focus on your happiness, rather than on the problems, you will bring huge amounts of clarity and focus into your life. The problem with living with depressed people is that you start to become depressed yourself. The converse applies, as well.

Envirosafe Solutions is part of the solution of making the earth more sustainable and eco friendly. We provide eco friendly liquid products to businesses, Australia-wide. We know that your company may or may not be involved with eco friendly practices, but we don’t want you to have to use harsh, unsafe chemicals if you don’t have to. That’s why we provide everything, from toilet bowl cleaner to fuel conditioner, from glue remover to industrial hand cleaner, and from solvent free degreaser to ice break, in high quality eco friendly industrial liquids. If you’d like to become a part of the Envirosafe Solutions family, next time you place a purchase order with your chemical supplier, do it with us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 21 July 2014

Making Light of Shadow

Laundry Powder
If you have ever tried to order seeds from a catalogue or online, you will see how dominant “full sun” plants are in the marketplace. Shade plants are available, of course, but they are definitely in the minority of total number of overall plants. Why is this the case? Are there not plenty of forest environments where a wide variety of plants grow?

Actually, forest environments come in two types. First, you have the forest with really tall trees which form a towering canopy overhead and you can easily walk between the trees in any direction because the path is clear in every direction. Second, you have the forest where a whole bunch of dense foliage grows in many different layers and which provide plenty of cover for many different kinds of animals and critters to forage and live in their little woodsy homes.

In the latter example, you will hardly see any orchids or full sun flowers, and much of the foliage will just be green. While there are many different kinds of flowers which grow in the shade, most of these can grow in partial sun, too, and often catalogues list them as “full sun” because they wish to assure homeowners that their flowers will be able to withstand direct sunlight.

The shade from trees, bushes, and other plants makes us able to create environments of eco friendly sustainability, both warmth in winter and cooled down temperatures in summer. Shade is, for this reason, one of the more valuable assets to own in your business landscape. If you are looking for an eco friendly way to be more sustainable, consider leveraging the power of shade on behalf of your business.

Meanwhile, you can leverage the power of eco friendly chemical solutions on behalf of your business. Envirosafe Solutions is one of the leading eco friendly product providers in Australia. We distribute environmentally friendly liquids all over the nation and to select countries, solutions like our dishwasher powder, radiator coolant, multi-purpose lubricant, toilet bowl cleaner and our diesel bug killer. Take a look through our catalogue of products on our website, and see what you think would work best on your own jobsite. Every customer has specific needs: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Saturday, 19 July 2014

Bringing Your Pets In On The Plan

Eco Friendly
When people think of ways to “use” their pets, they often feel guilty, because they are unsure of what constitutes heavy labor and what constitutes appropriate actions of handling an animal. How can you safely and effectively bring your pets in on your green strategy?

First, be sure that your pets are strong and healthy. They should have plenty of running around space and well developed muscles.

Secondly, take some measures to protect your garden space from digging, chewing, and anything else that pets tend to bring to the picture. Your animals must be allowed to be themselves and you cannot always be there to supervise them. There is a clear picture of what to do and not to do based upon their behavior if you have had them for any length of time.

Thirdly, let grazing animals do your lawn mowing for you. Let carnivores keep away pests, such as rabbits and squirrels. Let chickens and other poultry fertilize the ground with their droppings and pull up grubs for good. If you have dogs which dig, then put them on a horizontal trolley line to guard one side of your property. If you have outdoor cats, then make sure that your plants won’t be squashed if Puss decides to lay down in the grass.

After you’ve taken care of all of these things, then be sure to look at exactly what you do on your property and if you can get your animals to participate more in the labor or natural growth of your gardens, crops, or cultivated forest environments.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we provide this same sort of leverage, only with chemicals. Our environmentally friendly liquids are all available for your business office or worksite. Think about it. You will need bath and tile cleaner for your hard office floors, and glass cleaner for your windows. Of course, you will need toilet bowl cleaner for your bathrooms and electrical insulator cleaner for your office and jobsite wiring. Well, that’s reasonable, really.

So, if you want to have all of those good things and to be eco friendly at the same time, then look in on Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Working Out the Problems, Literally

Mineral Deposit Remover
Alright, so you have decided to use eco friendly liquid products from Envirosafe Solutions. You have received all of your wonderful, environmentally friendly liquids and they are sitting in your business right now, as you read this.

What do you do now? Should you make a complete switch between chemicals or gradually introduce our eco friendly variety until your old chemicals are either used up or phased out? Is there a difference and if so, what is it?

The problem with switching from one entire brand to another is that you may or may not be able to tell what all of the benefits are between all of the different chemicals. And, if you happen to be allergic or in some way affected by one of the chemicals, how do you know which one it is? Furthermore, if you begin using your chemical solutions right now, are you wasting any chemicals which you currently have in storage, and if so, is it worth the waste?

At this point, we would recommend that you organize your cleaning and maintenance chemicals, lining up our products behind ones you are already using. The only exception to this would be chemicals which you have been using which you know, for sure, are ineffective or dissatisfactory in some way. In those cases, make the switch right away, and be sure to dump your current chemicals in an appropriate waste disposal area. As you use up the chemical solutions you are already applying, you will switch over to our products in an uneven manner. And this is good, because then you will be able to tell how each one is different and exactly how much you like it.

Always use our products roughly and use them up thoroughly. Work through your dirt and grease problems, literally, by putting our chemicals to the test. Don’t worry about their strength or potency. All of our chemicals, including our antibacterial hand wash, rubber remover, dishwasher rinse aid, ice break, and graffiti remover, mineral deposit removerare up to the task. Put them through their paces. Make sure they work hard for you. Then, visit our website or get on the phone, and order some more: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Winter Months, Spring Prep

Dishwasher Rinse Aid
Now that Australia is preparing to become winterized, it is definitely more important to regard the winter aspect of earth sustainability. We all have a great desire to make our own worlds more sustainable and renewable and therefore achieve great self sufficiency by preparing better in the winter, rather than only doing outside work in the springtime and summer.

The truth is, winter is a preparation for the following spring. In order for fruit trees to bear fruit, they must have achieved a minimum amount of freezing during the winter. If this is not possible, then the fruit tree cannot bear fruit the following spring and summer. The same thing applies to many fruits and vegetables which do better in the spring and summertime after a good, cold winter. If wintertime in Australia does not fall below freezing for a minimum number of days, then the plant will not achieve any potential, or at least not its full potential come warm weather.

That being said, there are certain vegetables which can be grown during the winter months, and many people who have land take advantage of this as an opportunity to make use of the need for continued food production throughout the winter months. In fact, many people have a lot of things to do in winter which you may not think would be applicable. Animals still need to be exercised, food still needs to be grown, and chemicals still need to be used for cleaning.

That is why Envirosafe Solutions produces the amount of eco friendly chemicals which we do. The vast array of chemicals that we offer are useful in a huge variety of situations, and include our mineral deposit remover, our electrical insulator cleaner, our bath and tile cleaner, and our rubber remover. In winter, our ice break would be especially useful. If you are looking for more ways in which to weather the winter months, then please feel free to browse our website and look at all of the different products which are available. Call us today after you’re done: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Why is Texas Wind the Highest Paid?

Dishwashing Liquid

The idea that wind could be paid money sounds, of course, ridiculous. Of course, we are talking about the wind energy companies in Texas which are the biggest in the world. Now, Texas, which is located in the United States, is a mostly Republican state with strong conservative values and, except for its state capital, not a vast majority of people who are eco friendly and green. However, Texas became global competitor in oil around the turn of the century and the stereotypical Texas oil tycoon became one of the many stereotypes associated with Texas. One might even argue that Texas has the two biggest wind farms in the world, not because of interest in preserving global sustainability, but purely based upon monetary profit.

Now, that is an interesting way to look at the energy crisis which the rising global population is making very real. Perhaps our reasons should not be based upon saving the human race. The human race, after all, doesn’t feel particularly threatened at this point and one suspects that if things get to the point of actually feeling or seeming bad, humans will rise up as one and immediately find ways to fix ecological problems.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

However, monetary profit is one of the most overriding needs that people base their actions upon. For instance, are you more likely to carefully and thoroughly harvest your vegetable garden because of your thoughts about how sustainable you are living, or will you do so based upon thoughts involving cooking your fresh vegetables, having extra groceries this week, and perhaps saving on grocery bills this month?

The answer is obvious. Money is a much higher motivator than ecological safety. So, with that in mind, I’d like to bring up the matter of what Envirosafe Solutions is willing to do for your business. Our eco friendly liquid products are just chemical solutions to everyday worksite problems. You can use our toilet bowl cleaner, laundry powder and solvent free degreaser for your office bathrooms and floors. You can use our radiator coolant, dust suppressor and rust converter on your worksite machinery. You can build quite a reputation on the fact that people need environmentally friendly liquids on a regular basis and ours are cost effective. Even our thirty day money back guarantee is meant to be an added monetary incentive for you to buy from us. It’s really quite simple. Look at our site and order from us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Sunday, 13 July 2014

Waste Management: What is Waste?

Industrial Hand Cleaner
Waste or waste products can be…er…subjective. Who determines what waste is? Who makes the decision that waste products are, indeed, extraneous unwanted materials? Some people find more use in some things than in others. For example, a compost man may look at ordinary trash and see the biodegradability potential in it (even if it doesn’t seem to be there) and a woman can look at a piece of cloth on the street and see the potential for a beautiful gown if it is cleaned up and sewn properly. What exactly is waste?

There are so many ways to use and reuse what we have that it seems almost impossible to not take advantage of some of these things. Sometimes, home owners and businesses have their gray water (non-toilet waste water) feed their garden, landscaping, plants and animals. Sometimes, people regularly visit trash sites to find things to fix up, repair and sell or to use for their own personal use. A lot of people take standard issue items from the store and customize them to make something which is truly and uniquely theirs.

Waste management means making the most out of waste or wasted products from other people. True waste management means seeing everything as useful in some other process. Even if it is a decaying process, like compost, be sure and look at everything around, both good and bad, as something which when thrown away still contributes to the good of society.

How often does the above scenario happen with chemicals?

Do we not all enjoy using chemicals and then throwing them away, eagerly and quickly flushing them down our drains, hoping that there is not any residue left? Why is this? It is because we do not always use eco friendly industrial liquid like sanitiser, laundry powder, radiator cleaner, and liquid hand soap, dust suppressor among many others which are provided by Envirosafe Solutions. Here in Australia, we need to be able to think about our chemicals past the drains in our facilities. We need to be able to think about exactly how much environmental protection or responsibility we are giving the planet once we wash those chemicals away. To place your order, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Friday, 11 July 2014

Trusting People and Independence

Rust Remover
When people and independence are combined, the feeling can get a little heady. You see, when you visit the United States for the first time, you might notice a sense of freedom and beauty in America which is intoxicating. That is because freedom itself is intoxicating, and freedom is one of the founding archetypes of the U.S. Here in Australia, however, the archetypes center around friendliness, contemplation, beauty, and sunshine.

Sometimes, you can feel as if your only choices are trusting people or remaining independent and that there is no middle ground or combination of the two. Where do you go and what do you do in these circumstances? Well, for one, we believe in having the best of both worlds. You should be able to both trust your business progress and still remain independent of the company, placing yourself in an ideal position for evaluating the company and seeing where it needs improvement.

Naturally, when you trust people, you have to determine if they are trustworthy on little things before you assign them larger things on which to be trusted. This applies to everyone. Just because you have people in your life who have strong foundations in being trustworthy does not mean that you should not go through the simple but powerful process of gradually trusting them with more and more over time. It makes a difference to how you manage your business, including your eco friendly endeavors. It is smart, but effective.

When your company looks to establish its independence, then it must be allowed to use chemicals to clean and maintain its worksites and offices. This is where Envirosafe Solutions comes in. We provide environmental cleaning products, like rust remover, mineral deposit remover, graffiti remover, bath and tile cleaner, and marine glass cleaner. There are so many things which you must do in order to become competent in both trust and independence, but one of them is easy. Simply switch out your current chemicals with the eco friendly industrial liquid available through Envirosafe Solutions. Come on, you know you want to do this. So, just go ahead and make the decision. While you’re at it, call us up and ask us any questions you may have: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Ten Thousand Reasons Why

Radiator Coolant
Ten thousand reasons are needed by some people who are given the sermon about who they should support politically as far as green movements goes. These reasons will, in fact, answer all of their questions, and they may even come away convinced. However, what is needed are not all of the answers, but instead an attitude change.

When someone has the right attitude, they give themselves and everyone around them a break from all of the drama which necessarily follows in the wake of the “ten thousand reasons” why something should be a certain way. Is this getting confusing yet? Let’s look at an example.

If someone you know needs a lot of convincing in order to be sold on the eco friendly idea, then you may not be dealing with someone who is actually uninformed and is actually looking for more information. You may be dealing with a stubborn person who really does not wish to be convinced and who is using their attitudes about you to confirm their own notions about what to think.

If they already consider you a pushy person, then it would be helpful to them to see all people who are green as pushy people, and that helps confirm their notion that they should not, indeed, be eco friendly.

Of course, you don’t have to do any convincing at all. You can simply go quietly about your business and let your actions and purchases do your talking for you. When competitors come into your business, they will find Envirosafe Solutions under your bathroom storage shelves. They will see that your staff uses plenty of environmental cleaning products from Envirosafe Solutions, like our glass cleaner, dust suppressor, bath and tile cleaner, and toilet bowl cleaner. Your competitors may even travel as far as your jobsite where they will see your use of solvent free degreaser and mineral deposit remover from Envirosafe Solutions. They will feel left behind in the competition. They will want to mimic you. They will want to be as earth conscious as you are. Now, that’s a good reason why: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Friday, 4 July 2014

Reach Out To Your Community

Multi Purpose Lubricant
Most businesses participate with their communities to some extent or another. For instance, apartment house communities can offer discounts on rent if residents participate in a charity event. Banks can be sponsors at charity and sports events. Even small businesses can receive much needed advertising through the use of low cost local media ads. Reaching out to your community can be very beneficial.

Also, it is important to remember that many people don’t know what businesses or services are out there until they see signs, people representing the business, and people who are there to answer their questions with enthusiasm, belief in their system, and total dependability.

Reach out to your community today. Organize just about anything you can think of in order to get people interacting with your company. The world wants to see your smiling face. The consumer market wants to take advantage of your services. Everything is pulling for you. Just get out there and do it!

Word of mouth is one of the strongest forms of advertising there is. When you use chemicals from Envirosafe Solutions, people notice where cleanup chemicals are stores under lavatory sinks, in cupboards, and behind walls. Everyone snoops, and you can be sure that if you company is using eco friendly chemicals as part of its daily maintenance, it will taint the opinions of your loyal customers.

That is a good thing.

So, when you need to buy some more toilet bowl cleaner for your many bathrooms, get it from Envirosafe Solutions. When your pavement needs to be cleaned, use our solvent free degreaser. Use our glass cleaner on your windows, mirrors, and glass tabletops. Even if you put all of your chemicals safely away, everyone will snoop, and the products you use will influence their decision about what kind of business you own.

Sanitiser, dishwashing liquid, radiator cleaner, and mould rid are also available if you need any of those. Check out our website! We’d love to get OUR customers’ opinions of us! Interaction with the world around you, with your community, is of primary importance. Test the market, dip your toe into the water, and remember that you are judged even by what chemicals you use. So, use Envirosafe Solutions! Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Layers of Vegetation: Water Retention Methods

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Numerous texts on creating rain gardens list the various aspects of a rain garden which allow rain to soak back into the earth, rather than run off or evaporate. By preserving water in the earth, we are able to preserve entire landscapes and build whole new eco environments.

First, there is the layer of groundcover. This layer separates the soil from everything above it. It also protects the soil from being blown away or washed away. It prevents soil erosion. It also holds roots in place which make immediate use of the first rainfall.

Second, there is the layer of bushes. These shade the ground and provide deeper root systems which make use of the water which is by now soaking mostly into the soil. Bushes also help shape land curvatures over time, and so are very important when maintaining soil and hillsides and so on.

Third, we have the layer of trees. This layer does something quite special. The roots go the deepest into the ground and create cracks in the earth’s crust, very deep, in which water can gradually seep and form water deposit deep beneath the earth. Trees also provide more protection against the wind and rain, not to mention sponsoring many plant and animal eco systems.

Fourth, we have the layer of vines, which can run all over the ground, over the bushes, and up into the trees. Vines have a stabilizing effect upon the earth, and bring an added dimension to the three layers of vegetation which have been planted first.

Envirosafe Solutions brings stability to your business place and worksite. We carry eco friendly chemicals. And we really have a vested interest in helping your company be greener, as well. We know that sanitiser, mould rid, dishwashing liquid, and solvent free degreaser may not seem like green chemicals, but at Envirosafe Solutions, they really are very eco friendly. We also provide radiator coolant, antibacterial hand wash, toilet bowl cleaner, and mineral deposit remover. You may not have many layers of vegetation, but you probably have many layers of business work which needs to be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Call us today to place your order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Living off the Grid

Soil Wetta
If you live off the grid or take it into your sweet little head to do so in the future, then you need to make sure that you understand the kind of responsibility this lifestyle is going to require from you. You will need to grow your own food, so you will need a dust suppressor until your plants take root. You will need to clean up your greasy messes, so you will need solvent free degreaser to get rid of them without using harsh chemicals.

There are many different ways of making a difference when you are on your own, off grid and taking care of yourself in a way that modern society would find scary, indeed. You will need to be your own quality control guy, so that means that you will have to keep all of your machinery in prime working condition with eco friendly radiator coolant, rust remover, radiator cleaner, laundry powder, toilet bowl cleaner, diesel bug killer, antibacterial hand wash, rubber remover, and so on. You will need to see the importance of keeping everything in working condition and well cleaned and maintained. Not only does your survival depend upon it, but the efficacy of your money and your resources have to be used properly or you will be spending more and getting less when you do have to buy supplies from outside sources. It’s a matter of personal pride that a true wild man or woman takes extra special care of their equipment. It means that they know how much value their equipment has and that they should get a minimum number of years of use out of it and they are going to get all they can out of it. It means that there is a dedication to quality control and cleanliness and well maintained beauty.

Please understand that Envirosafe Solutions takes no part in supporting or denouncing in living off grid. But, we do carry the eco friendly liquid products which may be useful to you when setting up your own beautiful backwoods empire. Please look over all of our products and see if there are any which you are already using in non-eco form. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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