Sunday, 29 June 2014

Knowledge and Learning and Requirements

Environmentally Friendly Liquids
Knowledge is precious. It gives us everything we need to interact with the world around us. That is, except for those people skills which we may or may not be naturally efficient in using. No amount of knowledge can make up for a lack of those essential qualities. The requirements for running an effectively eco friendly business including, but are not limited to, leadership, work ethics, planning, strategy, foundation building, sympathy and heart, discernment, and experience.

Not all of the above mentioned leadership qualities can simply be learned through traditional methods of gaining knowledge. Requirements like these must be fed by personal experience, which is something more than just knowledge. It is a flair for being adaptable, engaging, pleasing, and strong. It is the ability to interact with your environment well and to bring out the best in other people.

Envirosafe Solutions seeks to constantly educate our clients on the benefits of using our products over those of our competitors and of less eco friendly chemical distributors. We know that our marine glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, sanitiser, and hard water laundry liquid are all planet safe. We know that our solvent free degreaser and all of our other environmentally friendly liquids are far less toxic, if at all, than their non-eco friendly equivalents. So, with this knowledge in hand, what do you think would be the best course of action?

If your managers randomly get chemical solutions for your daily company maintenance, then you might consider placing a standing order with Envirosafe Solutions, say, once a month or once every two months. If you already have a chemical supplier, then you may think about cancelling your next order with your current chemical supplier, and instead placing your next purchase order with Envirosafe Solutions. Really, it would be the most logical thing to do, since you would get all of the cleaning, degreasing, maintaining, and removing abilities of our chemical solutions without all of the hassle of worrying about the chemical residue you are washing out into the ocean and other water drainage areas. Envirosafe Solutions always distributes chemicals which are the best for your business to use. Armed with this knowledge, how could you go wrong? Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 26 June 2014

It’s Time to Create a System

Diesel Bug Killer
When you are looking to accomplish a great deal in the green nature of your business, you must come up with a system which can be repeated over and over again, and produce high quality results. For this system to work, it must be easy, simple, and highly repeatable.

In other words, you need a system which can be duplicated, if necessary, to include similar or varied circumstances within the context of your business. If the system is not that flexible while still remaining strong, then it is just not good enough.

How do you go about designing and implementing a good eco friendly system in your business?

Well, first of all, look at the chemicals you are currently using. If they are safe for the planet, then great! However, make sure that your toilet bowl cleaner, ice break, glass cleaner, and bath and tile cleaner are all eco friendly. There are a lot of chemicals which we all use on a regular basis, both in our businesses and in our homes. Sometimes, we may not always think of what they are. If, however, you plan to replenish your business’s cash flow needs on a regular basis, then it would be prudent to know exactly what chemicals your company uses on a regular basis, so that your stores can be refilled when needed.

Envirosafe Solutions takes care of the potentially harmful effects of ordinary harsh chemicals. Our products are eco friendly and planet safe. Our goals are to bring life into the world by protecting it. Environmentally friendly liquids like ours are part of that protection and they bring stability to your standard of living without compromising large numbers of eco systems in the process.

It’s time to create a system in which you can appropriately get all of your work done while also being green. The first and simplest step is to change out the chemicals you are using for the eco friendly industrial liquid that Envirosafe Solutions brings to you. In this system, you will be sacrificing minimal money, if any, on price variability, and you will be gaining a great deal of respect for your business: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Is There Another Way In?

Sanitiser/Mould Rid
greater cost than your company could afford. Installing more efficient heating and cooling systems was way overpriced. Going completely green in a cost-effective way involved all of your employees riding donkeys to work. That wouldn’t do, either.

Is there another way in?

Yes, actually there is. The chemical solutions provided by Envirosafe Solutions are an easy and effective way to implement pro-earth strategies all throughout your business. If you can implement them together, then you are really looking at reducing your business chemical pollution output. Eco friendly chemicals get the same job, and for nearly the same price, but with the added benefit of being good for the world around you.

Yes, there is another way in. Envirosafe Solutions has eco friendly liquid products for you to choose from.

We have a long list of chemicals available for the Australian businesses we serve, as well as select countries to which we ship. Our marine glass cleaner, sanitiser, electrical insulator cleaner, and fuel conditioner are just a few examples of the wide variety of chemicals we keep in storage and ready to ship to you. Our business is to bring the best available environmental cleaning products and other chemical solutions to your business. Our goal is to help you achieve your daily maintenance goals, without having to worry about the effect your company is having upon the environment.

The result is Envirosafe Solutions and our business model looks after you. This is the way in. This is the path to enlightenment (Okay, maybe we’re getting a little carried away). But, we really believe in our products and we want you to believe in them just as much as we do. Therefore, we provide you with a safe, thirty day money back guarantee. How can you refuse such an offer? If you don’t like our products, then you can return the empty containers to us! It’s as simple as that: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Progress in the Long Term

Insect & Tar Remover
If you invest in MFTA life insurance, then you will notice that for the first few years, you are merely funding the investment, but that it will not be growing for some time afterward. Then, when it is fully funded and allowed to take off, your investment will begin coming right back to you over the long run. This is because long term planning and understanding of the market economy helps people to not be afraid of fluctuations in businesses and the stock market, but to look in the far distance, out where fluctuations are barely perceptible in the long run.

The same principles apply to eco friendly liquid products, like the like produced and distributed by Envirosafe Solutions. Our chemicals do not actively put oxygen into the atmosphere and suck carbon dioxide out of the air. No, instead, they serve a purpose in the long term plan to save our planet.

Envirosafe Solutions is part of a global movement to combine business with eco friendly incentives and initiatives. First, all of our products are safe for the planet, whether or not they are biodegradable or high on the septic safety monitor. Secondly, our eco friendly liquid products have individual product pages on our website which describe how each chemical interacts with the world around it, how biodegradable it may be, and what its level of septic safety is. Third, our products are part of investing in the long term. If we all ignore our earth’s need to be safe and kept from harmful and dangerous chemicals, then eventually this truth will catch up to us, and we won’t like it when it does. However, by using products from Envirosafe Solutions today, you are investing in the long term progress of our planet. This will pay off tomorrow, next year, in five years, and even in ten years. All of the numbers and the care taken will add up effectively over time.

To invest in progress in the long term and to actively use eco friendly products in your business, check out our site, make a list of chemical solutions you actually need, and then gives us a ring to order our chemicals. We would be proud and honored to serve you and your business: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 23 June 2014

The Sight of New Color

Have you ever planted a new colored flower in your garden? Do you remember how different it made the whole garden look? Of course, environmentalists are trying to make the planet a better place, but many of us have not been alive long enough to remember what the planet really looked like in the early 1900′s. For that reason, we may know what we are fighting for, but we may really not understand what the end result is meant to look like.

The sight of new color is incredible. There is a new energy, a new spirit in it that makes your heart jump every time you see it. If you had always used reds and yellows before and you drive into a blue flowered home site from your next grocery shopping trip, you will see how different it makes the place look, and how good you feel when you notice the change. Of course, if you change your flowers every year, then you already know this feeling well.

When it comes to the planet, we are used to the vast stretches of desert and the high winds and the infrequent and too violent thunderstorms. We are used to not growing new things, particularly food items, in our yards, nor taking care of the green growing things we already possess on our land. We are used to watching numerous shows about how the planet is going to the devil, and we believe that it is, without really remembering how it used to be in the first place.

The sight of new color is amazing. And, when the planet becomes more eco friendly, it will be magical because it will redefine our current existence. We don’t remember how it used to be and the new layers of green in the future will delight us beyond all comparison.

Envirosafe Solutions has planned for the future by producing our Extreme Green liquid products, and all of our environmentally friendly liquids. We have everything, from fabric conditioner to electrical insulator cleaner, and we really are proud of our accomplishments in this year alone. Buy our graffiti remover and our bath and tile cleaner and remember that all of our eco friendly liquid products are investments in that greener world of our immediate future: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 9 June 2014

Algae and New Growth Industries

Algae is said to be the wave of new fuel production. If we could just fuel our vehicles with algae based Fuel Conditioner, then we could create renewable fuel systems! Is that really true? Isn’t algae rather slow growing and rather…small…in size? Can that really make a big difference? We don’t have all of the answers for you, but we do have a good healthy knowledge of what a little bit of change can do for a whole industry. When new growth industries, such as the algae fuel research being done, begin to spread throughout the world, there is a major difference in opinions about it, simply because different countries and levels of society have different uses for the commodity. Potatoes are more of a garnish in rich households, but they may be the major food meal choice of poor households. And that’s about something as innocuous as potatoes.

Using algae as a fuel source and using resources from other new growth industries changes drastically across different households. First, we have the difference between the people who care about the environment and the people who are uninterested in that topic. Then, we have the difference in price, for some fuel sources are cheaper and some are more economical over the long term than others. Thirdly, we have the socio-political aspect. People can be almost religious when it comes to their passion for their own politics.

All debate aside, while these new growth industries are still very young and inexperienced, there will come a tipping point in time, and they will skyrocket and explode all over the world. At that point, we will have to be ready for the new change in eco friendly resources. We can prepare for them now, though, by switching our current chemicals with new solutions like dishwashing liquid and rust converter from Envirosafe Solutions. We provide sanitiser, mould rid, hard water laundry liquid, Glue Remover and insect and tar remover, along with many other chemical solutions for the benefit of our eco friendly clientele. Both bulk and small amounts of chemical solution are available for your business and worksite needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 5 June 2014

Politics and Know-How

Solvent-Free Degreaser
Politics, in the governmental sense, are basically major business transactions taking place on a national or a global basis. The idea of politics can be negative or positive, strong or weak, or comforting or scary. The idea that other people govern how our world is to be brought into the future can, indeed, feel very scary, but the truth is that many people really don’t always feel the long arm of the government, so to speak. And that is okay, but it must be pointed out that not everyone believes in the power of government to make their lives better.

Know-how is similar to politics in that it involves familiarity with a lot of different issues, how these issues affect different people, and why you should or should not speak to someone about it. Know-how is often known as “street smarts” but in fact it involves an uncanny ability to read people and what they want out of their world, and then to deliver the goods in a timely and efficient manner.

When setting up a business which distributes environmental cleaning products to people and companies all over Australia, we knew that we needed BOTH politics and know-how. With politics, we could advertise our high quality eco friendly liquid products to businesses and worksites which might need them, and with know-how, we knew that we could bring such a plan into action and actually set up a company which helps other people function well while also being good to mother earth.

Naturally, our strengths lie in our ability to see what is directly in front of us. When people believe in their own abilities to create peace and understanding, they often do create this. We happen to believe in our own abilities to make the entire world safer for the ecology of the planet. This we bring to our eco friendly liquid products, like our glue remover, disinfectant, dust suppressor, and mineral deposit remover. This we deliver every time we ship an order off to a happy customer. Together, we can make the world a much better place, and, in so doing, we stand to gain a great deal back from the environment: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 2 June 2014

Green Controversy

Glue Remover
Controversy is part of our world, but not everyone is exactly set up to receive and handle controversy. In the “green” world, there is a lot to be said for the power of controversy, just so that there are two opposing sides, and more people are likely to act upon their beliefs rather than doing nothing or sitting idly by while their quiet somewhat partial desires are overridden by someone else. Controversy stirs up passions, and this in turn makes it much easier for people to believe in what they are supporting and that there are other people who are wrong who oppose them. In fact, any time you wish to get a passionate person to do something, just tell them that they are wrong and stir up some controversy within their hearts. It is human nature to pick sides rather than trying to choose a solution which encompasses all sides of the issue. Compromising is really part of the worldwide solutions which are in the world today. However, we as a people often do not see solutions, even when they are staring us right in the face. We have a spirit of competitiveness, and we have been so ingrained with controversy, that even-keeled, peaceful solutions are actually outside of our own field of vision.

That means that if you want to make a difference as far as ecological safety, you’re going to have to make a decision to look at the overall picture, to step back, and to not be so judgmental and subjective when we are presented with a variety of options.

If your business uses toilet bowl cleaner, hard water laundry liquid, or solvent free degreaser, fuel conditioner then you can achieve this objective by using our eco friendly industrial liquid. Our environmentally friendly liquids are all designed to give you the same chemical solutions which you have heretofore always been using and to do so in a way that is not damaging to your septic system, to the city’s waste removal, and to the oceans and rivers in which we much inevitably dump these chemicals in the end. Envirosafe Solutions helps protect your assets. We are here for you: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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